Technology Insights

Latest technology news from ECW Network & IT Solutions.

Don’t Update Your iPhone Yet!

Don’t Update Your iPhone Yet!

ADVISORY: Apple Mail Is Incompatible With Microsoft Office 365 Our Microsoft Office 365 experts want to keep you informed about the latest developments in Office 365 and the Apple iOS and any other technologies you use every day. As necessary as software updates are for keeping programs effective and users safe, they can occasionally cause […]

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Are Your Employees Your Biggest Cybersecurity Threat?

Are Your Employees Your Biggest Cybersecurity Threat?

Employees don’t mean to unwittingly release trade secrets or respond to phishing attacks, but when they do, it can be incredibly damaging to your company. Help your employees spot the warning signs and stay safe online.  Your employees are both your biggest asset and your weakest link — at least when it comes to preventing […]

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Tips for Evacuating Before a Storm

Tips for Evacuating Before a Storm

Unless you properly prepare for tropical storms and hurricanes in advance, not only your property and business, but your life could be at risk.  This may require evacuating.  Plan your evacuation in advance, especially if you live in a hurricane-prone area. Have your Evacuation Grab Bags ready to go.  Make sure they’re waterproof and easy […]

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Equifax Hack:  What We Know Right Now!

Equifax Hack: What We Know Right Now!

More Than 50% of All Social Security Numbers in The U.S. Were Stolen.  Make Sure Yours Isn’t on The List. On Thursday, September 7, 2017, hackers stole the names and social security numbers of 143 million Americans after a massive breach of Equifax. That’s more than half of the adult population. Amazing, right? Not really—Cybercriminals […]

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Will Hurricane Irma Score A Direct Hit On South Florida?

Will Hurricane Irma Score A Direct Hit On South Florida?

With Hurricane Irma Churning in The Atlantic, is Your Hurricane Preparedness Checklist Where It Should Be?  It’s been less than two weeks since Harvey made landfall on the Texas Coast, wreaking all sorts of havoc and devastation. And yet, Hurricane Irma has been upgraded to a Category 3 hurricane, looming in the Atlantic and poised […]

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The Balancing Act: Leveraging Enterprise Technology on a Non-Profit Budget

The Balancing Act: Leveraging Enterprise Technology on a Non-Profit Budget

Nonprofit leaders are seeing how enterprise-level tech can amplify social impact. See how creative financing can make world-class tech affordable. Non-profit organizations around the world often have a love-hate relationship with technology. Business leaders can see the value of enterprise-level software for effectively driving their organization forward, but tight budgets can make it exceptionally difficult […]

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Introducing…Dropbox’s Next Attempt To Secure Your Data

Introducing…Dropbox’s Next Attempt To Secure Your Data

Dropbox’s New Mobile Two-Factor Authentication Is a Step in The Right Direction—Or Is It? Cybersecurity is a massive concern in today’s world of hackers and malware—And cloud-based storage platforms are certainly not immune to attack. While two-factor authentication is prevalent in a variety of spaces, Dropbox only recently rolled out an update to their mobile […]

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Flying Without A Laptop Is Now Possible

Flying Without A Laptop Is Now Possible

With Windows, You Can Forget Flying with Your Laptop.   Flying is tough enough without having to lug your laptop onboard with you. Windows to Go can help you lighten your load! 9/11 changed a lot in the U.S. Over fifteen years later, the attack it is still shaping national and international security decisions. Airplane […]

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Don’t Mess with Scammers.  

Don’t Mess with Scammers.  

Just because you know that an email is a phishing attempt, doesn’t make it safe for you to play along. Discover the dangers of engaging scammers online.   Most of us find phishing emails in our inbox each month—Some of them are so outrageous that they make us laugh out loud. How many times have […]

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The Power of Predictive Analytics  

The Power of Predictive Analytics  

Predictive analytics may not tell your future, but using it can increase your company’s fortunes.   Each time you buy something online, you’re providing more than just your name, address and credit card number. Websites collect a vast treasure trove of valuable information about you, even if you never make a purchase. The information a […]

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Tech Tuesday: BitLocker Keeps Windows Secure.

Tech Tuesday: BitLocker Keeps Windows Secure.

The Prevalence of Cybercrime Cybercrime is the fastest growing economic crime throughout the world, with countries such as the US and UK seeing double-digit growth every year. Preventing criminals from taking control of your digital assets is essential. This requires diligent risk assessments, robust compliance policies, and standardized procedures designed to limit the potential of […]

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Is Your “Just Okay” Technology a Ticking Time Bomb?

Is Your “Just Okay” Technology a Ticking Time Bomb?

Technology should never be “just okay” — it’s a key factor in the success of your business. Why focus on the status quo when you could be supercharging growth?   If you had an opportunity to make your organization 25-50% more efficient, would you take it or simply say “Nah, no need. We’re okay for […]

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