Remote Support and Trusted VPN Solutions

Zero Trust VPN — Essential Solutions for Modern Remote Work

The demand for secure and efficient remote access solutions has never been greater. With the widespread adoption of remote work and the increasing reliance on cloud-based applications, businesses need robust VPN solutions to safeguard their data and ensure seamless connectivity.

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Are You Struggling With Remote Access?

  • Lack of Granular Access Controls: Traditional VPNs often provide broad access to company resources, increasing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Complexity of Endpoint Management: Managing and securing remote endpoints scattered across various locations can be challenging and resource-intensive for IT teams.
  • Vulnerabilities in Traditional VPNs: Traditional VPNs may have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals, putting sensitive data at risk.
  • Difficulty in Monitoring Remote Access Activities: Monitoring and tracking remote access activities in real-time can be challenging, leading to delays in identifying and mitigating security threats.
  • Inadequate Authentication Mechanisms: Weak or outdated authentication mechanisms can compromise the security of remote access, allowing unauthorized users to gain access to company resources.
  • Compliance Concerns: Meeting regulatory compliance requirements for remote access security can be complex, especially for businesses operating in regulated industries.

Introducing ECW’s Zero Trust VPN

Our VPN provides a superior range of security features, allowing you to access just the resources you actually need, rather than an all-or-nothing scenario. With ECW’s VPN, you can directly access apps like Office Online and internet browsers, while only accessing a line of business resources over VPN. This means that you can work securely and efficiently, no matter where you are.

  1. Reduced Latency: Benefit from our worldwide network of nodes, ensuring reduced latency and improved user experience.
  2.  Always On: Our VPN leverages M365 identity and access management and other MFA solutions, ensuring your data is protected at all times.
  3. Selective VPN Access: Access only the resources you need, reducing the attack surface and enhancing security, as well as reducing bandwidth usage over the VPN.
  4. Optional Enhanced Security Features: Our solution includes SIEM, and SOC functionalities via one lightweight agent, providing advanced security and monitoring capabilities.
  5. Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Gain visibility into remote access activities with real-time monitoring and receive alerts for suspicious behavior or security incidents.
  6. Seamless Integration: Easily integrate our VPN solution with existing IT infrastructure and cloud-based applications, ensuring a smooth deployment and minimal disruption to workflows.

Why Choose ECW’s Zero Trust VPN?

Gain peace of mind knowing that your remote access environment is secure, efficient, and compliant. With our comprehensive solution, enjoy advanced security features, granular access controls, and seamless integration capabilities, empowering your business to embrace remote work securely.

Our VPN agent is packed with extra features, all in one easy-to-use package. These extras include security tools like content filtering, an application firewall, and traffic control. With traffic control, you can decide which traffic goes outside of the VPN with just a few clicks.

Plus, we offer an optional Agent-Based SIEM too, which gives you even more security and monitoring abilities. It integrates directly with Microsoft 365 and other popular cloud-based platforms, so you can keep an eye on everything from one place. With our agent, you get the convenience and flexibility of having lots of helpful features all in one lightweight package.

Harness Secure Remote Access Today

Ready to enhance your remote access security with ECW’s Zero Trust VPN? Contact us today to learn more about our solution and how we can help safeguard your business data while enabling seamless remote connectivity.

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