Cut Through the Cybersecurity Chaos

Cut Through the Cybersecurity Chaos to Protect Your Business

Are you falling for the cybersecurity hype? Here’s what you really need to know to keep your business infrastructure secure in the face of rising external threats.  

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Cybersecurity Solutions In South Florida

Are you getting a bit overwhelmed with the cybersecurity talk coming at your IT and business professionals from all directions? The Dark Web. The Deep Web. Next-generation firewalls. Anti-malware and antivirus software. White hat hacking. Penetration testing . . . the list is never-ending. How can you tell exactly which of these human-based or technological marvels will keep your business safe from a dedicated attack? It’s nearly impossible to predict where the next threat will come from, but it’s a safe bet that you will experience a data breach or malware attack within the next 12 months. With all the hype and confusion, it’s not surprising that cybersecurity spending is skyrocketing, with 141% increases since 2010 and overall spending in 2019 that is estimated to reach $124 billion worldwide.

Expanding Threat Landscape

While there is a fair amount of confusion around how to properly implement a robust cybersecurity strategy, there’s little debate about the need for more secure business infrastructure. The threat landscape is complex and continually evolving, with state-supported actors showing that they can quickly gain access to the data and business systems of companies of any size. Large organizations may have been the original targets for hackers, but cybercriminals are now looking for ways to access bigger targets through their smaller partners — expecting that small to mid-size businesses will not have the same level of sophistication when it comes to their cybersecurity protection. Hackers then simply have to follow the digital trail between companies to get access to confidential personal and financial information, data that is very popular (and expensive!) on the darker parts of the internet.

What Are the Components Needed for Cybersecurity?

It’s unfortunate, but the term “cybersecurity” is being used as a marketing buzzword to add a scare to business owners. This broad term truly means doing what your operations and technology teams have always attempted to do: keep your business safe from external threats. There is a range of tools that can be leveraged to support security efforts for your business, including:

  • Advanced firewalls
  • Real-time threat reporting
  • Active network monitoring
  • Content scans of email and website traffic into and out of your business
  • Antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Ongoing education for all staff members
  • Regular network reviews and audits
  • Penetration testing

Each business is different and the threat landscape is continually evolving — making it vital that you work with trusted technology experts to help stay abreast of the latest trends that will help protect your business.

Keeping your business secure doesn’t have to be a full-time job for your technology department. Unless you have cybersecurity experts on staff, it would be next to impossible to expect your team to stay abreast of every new threat and how to provide detection and prevention. When you work with the professionals at ECW Network & IT Solutions, your Florida business is more likely to stay protected from the worst-case scenario — the loss of your business and your livelihood. With less than 40% of businesses that are hit with a data breach surviving past 6 months, it’s more important to have proactive and professional cybersecurity support than ever before. Contact the technical experts at ECW Computers today at or fill out our quick online form to schedule your free initial consultation.

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