Technology Insights

Latest technology news from ECW Network & IT Solutions.

7 Surprising Ways To Prepare Your Website For Cyberattacks

7 Surprising Ways To Prepare Your Website For Cyberattacks

Keep hackers from turning you and your business into a victim with these cybersecurity best practices. Cyberattacks come in many forms, and no part of your business seems to be safe from them. You work for months to prepare your website. You go into painstaking detail over each section and prepare for your go-live date. […]

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Welcome To The (Microsoft) Team!

Welcome To The (Microsoft) Team!

Collaboration isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a mindset. Team-based environments are key to the success of most major global organizations today, and Microsoft Teams wants to be the foundation of their successful future. [youtube]More and more, Fortune 500 organizations are making the leap to a distributed workforce and giving up the keys to their […]

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Insider Advice On Managed Security Service Providers

Insider Advice On Managed Security Service Providers

Learn the seven key questions every business should ask when deciding on which Managed Security Service Provider to hire. A Managed Security Service Provider is an extension of your IT services department that focuses solely on the security of your company. The services that a Managed Security Service Provider provides range on the network security […]

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Hey It’s Valentine’s Day Soon: Do You Love Your IT Company?

Hey It’s Valentine’s Day Soon: Do You Love Your IT Company?

There are few things worse than feeling trapped in an unfulfilling relationship – especially when it’s a vital business relationship. Technology is an integral part of everything your business does, which raises a few important questions about your current IT set up. For starters, what is your relationship like with your technology systems – rock […]

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Businesses Can Now Schedule Instagram Posts

Businesses Can Now Schedule Instagram Posts

Following in the footsteps of other social media giants, Instagram is now trying to add flexibility to their platform in order to attract more business owners. Since their inception in 2010, Instagram has had no way to allow users to schedule posts. Posting manually can be time-consuming for businesses that want to send out posts […]

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Why You Should Use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Why You Should Use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

In a world that seems to be growing more technologically savvy every day, we must be prepared for anything, from phishing scams to ransomware attacks. But, what if the threat to your business and data isn’t from technological warfare? What if something incredibly simple could cause your business to lose data? The National Lightning Safety […]

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6 Ways to Prevent Cybersecurity Breaches

6 Ways to Prevent Cybersecurity Breaches

It is becoming commonplace to hear of big security breaches. Consumers wonder how this keeps happening. It would seem like every company should be taking their data security very seriously. After all, a data breach typically costs millions of dollars and tarnishes the company’s reputation. After the Target data breach of 2013, shoppers were wary […]

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It’s Data Privacy Day… Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

It’s Data Privacy Day… Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

If you’re not doing everything in your power to protect your data, you’re leaving your most valuable business asset open to cybercriminals! January 28th, 2018 is Data Privacy Day, an international effort led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) annually for the purpose of raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding data. Data Privacy […]

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The Legal Risks of Cyber Theft

The Legal Risks of Cyber Theft

With the rising number of cyber thefts in the US, numerous lawsuits have been filed against businesses and organizations. In general, the public expects that their bank will take sufficient action to stop data theft. We expect this of the federal government, credit card companies and retail stores as well. Citizens believe that most of […]

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Google Extends Search Result Snippets

Google Extends Search Result Snippets

First impressions are important. This is even more so in the world of technology. When searching for a company online, your first results appear in a small 160-character snippet. Now Google has officially extended the search results snippets to a maximum character length of 320 characters. What is a snippet? Snippets, also known as meta […]

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LinkedIn: Brands and the Rules of Engagement

LinkedIn: Brands and the Rules of Engagement

Social is here to stay. That’s the unanimous sentiment regarding social media as a communication tool – and as a marketing channel. LinkedIn launched publicly before Facebook (2003 and 2006, respectively), and in these past 15 years we’ve seen an evolution, and some might say a revolution. Social media has redefined how society interacts, even […]

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Rogue Employees and How To Stop Them

Rogue Employees and How To Stop Them

Technological advancements have, without a doubt, had a positive impact where your business is concerned. But they have also led to hacking, data breaches and the likelihood that rogue employees will use tools to jeopardize the security of your data. What is a Rogue Employee? A rogue employee undermines your business by ignoring rules and […]

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