Technology Insights

Latest technology news from ECW Network & IT Solutions.

The Top 12 Time Management Apps and Tools

The Top 12 Time Management Apps and Tools

Today’s app market offers the full range of apps for personal use and for work. Everyone seems to be trying to complete household chores and tasks at work with the highest level of efficiency. Time has become a valuable commodity that we never have enough of. In response to these needs, developers are coming up […]

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Want Your World At Your Fingertips In Just One Simple Step? You Got It!

Want Your World At Your Fingertips In Just One Simple Step? You Got It!

The digital revolution has changed our world in unimaginable ways – and for the better! Tools and applications like Microsoft Word and Microsoft OneNote aim to make our lives easier, in one simple step. [youtube]Have you ever stopped to think about Microsoft’s naming convention? It’s probably not something that crosses your mind as you […]

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Calling All Architects

Calling All Architects

Do You Want to Save Time, Money and Beat Out the Competition? We Have Some Important Information to Share As you know, your architecture company is under constant pressure from economic shifts, a shrinking talent pool, and a fiercely competitive marketplace. When it comes to information technology you need solutions that don’t cost a fortune […]

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Are We Learning Anything From All These Cyber Attacks?

Are We Learning Anything From All These Cyber Attacks?

So many big, expensive cyber attacks have taken place in the last few years that it’s hard to remember them all – when will we learn our lesson? Cyber attacks are common ground these days. There was the Chase Bank breach of 2014, which exposed the financial information of 76 million Chase customers. This attack […]

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Tired of Sending Marketing Emails That Go in the “Trash”?

Tired of Sending Marketing Emails That Go in the “Trash”?

Here Are The 10 Things You’re Doing Wrong Email is a very effective marketing tool. However, it’s also tough to execute properly. If you don’t plan correctly, understand what you’re doing wrong and how to remedy this, you’re simply wasting your time and money. You aren’t getting new subscribers. If you can’t entice new subscribers, […]

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Semper Fi: Never Negotiate With Cyberterrorists

Semper Fi: Never Negotiate With Cyberterrorists

Another case highlighting the importance of Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services. A recent report by the U.S. Marine Corps indicates an unintended data disclosure, the result of a single accidental keystroke. Never backing down from a fight, learn from Jarheads how to best defend yourself from a data breach and strengthen your position! Have you […]

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Microsoft Is Calling Every Single User For Feedback

Microsoft Is Calling Every Single User For Feedback

Are you an expert at using Microsoft products? Microsoft wants to hear from you — and wants to make your feedback part of an update — but first, they need to know what you think. How can they find out? How often do you use a Microsoft product? Are you a daily Microsoft Word user? […]

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From Unaware Interns To Evil Executives: How To Say Sayonara With Skill

From Unaware Interns To Evil Executives: How To Say Sayonara With Skill

It’s never easy to terminate an employee. The skill of firing with flair is a sensitive but necessary process that everyone should learn! It happens to the best of us. We post an advertisement for an available position on job boards across the Internet. We scour through the thousands (and thousands) of submitted resumes. We […]

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Tired Of Amateur Hour? Learn How To Use Excel Like A Pro

Tired Of Amateur Hour? Learn How To Use Excel Like A Pro

With the 2016 version of Excel, Microsoft has really upped the game for people who aren’t great with numbers. You can now easily use one-click access that can be customized to provide the functionality you need. [youtube]This is the first of a three-part series about using Microsoft Excel 2016 to help you identify trends, […]

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America Is Falling Behind…

America Is Falling Behind…

Will You Be Ready When 5G Finally Gets Here? 5G Network Technology seems to be overdue in America. We now have so many smart homes, smart cars and smartphones just crying out for a better network. Add to that the huge advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and you can see how critical a […]

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Get Into the Game!

Get Into the Game!

The Competition is Fierce in the World of Sports and Wearable Devices. Wearable technology in sports is now commonplace as multiple teams and coaches look for ways to gain an advantage over their competitors. These wearable devices also allow non-professional athletes to track, monitor and improve their performance and well-being. Across all levels and types […]

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