Technology Insights

Latest technology news from ECW Network & IT Solutions.

Healthcare and The Threat of Ransomware in 2018

Healthcare and The Threat of Ransomware in 2018

It’s no secret that the healthcare system is wracked with ransomware attempts. In fact, it was one of the leading concerns for 2017. These ransomware attempts are due to the significant amount of personal information that’s in the hands of the healthcare providers. All this private data is an attractive target for hackers who want […]

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The Difference Between Business and Home Phone Services

The Difference Between Business and Home Phone Services

If you think that all telephone services are equal and that there’s no difference between a business phone and a home phone system, you’d be wrong. In fact, there are several differences between a phone used for business and a phone used for personal calls, including required call features, calling abilities, and even how many […]

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Are “Meltdown” and “Spectre” Something to Worry About?

Are “Meltdown” and “Spectre” Something to Worry About?

Intel processors are having a Meltdown while AMD and ARM are being attacked by a Spectre. Is a James Bond villain making our computers freak out? No, it’s a new vulnerability found within these processors that affects Windows PCs, Linux, Mac, and even Android phones. A fix has been identified, named KAISER, and all the […]

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What You Need to Know About “Meltdown” and “Spectre.”

What You Need to Know About “Meltdown” and “Spectre.”

Two critical vulnerabilities were found in Intel chips that could result in a malicious attacker stealing your data, such as photos, emails, documents, browsers, and password managers. How can this affect you? The vulnerabilities called “Meltdown” and “Spectre,” can affect nearly every system built since 1995. This includes computers and phones. A proof-of-concept code was […]

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Be Prepared to Combat Insider IT Security Risks in 2018

Be Prepared to Combat Insider IT Security Risks in 2018

Did you know that in 2016, IBM found that 60% of all cyber attacks were carried out by insiders? Of these three quarters were due to malicious intent, and one fourth due to negligence or error. Accidents: According to Verizon’s 2016 Data Breach Incident Report, accidents accounted for 30% of security incidents. In many cases, employees haven’t […]

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Make the Switch to Microsoft Office 365

5 Reasons Why You Need to Make the Switch to Microsoft Office 365

If you run a business, chances are that you’ve thought about moving to an online productivity suite. The two most popular in recent years is Google’s G Suite and Microsoft’s Office 365. Touted as “innovative” and “the next big thing,” Microsoft’s productivity suite is a revolutionary concept when it comes to operating systems and computing. […]

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Top 12 Tech Gifts of 2017: Sphero R2-D2 & BB-9E

Top 12 Tech Gifts of 2017: Sphero R2-D2 & BB-9E

We like tech, it’s what we do. As the holiday shopping season kicks into overdrive, we are bringing you 12 of the most requested, most wanted tech gifts for 2017. Check back each business day between now and December 19th for another must-have tech item and why you should check it out. In 2015 Sphero […]

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Top 12 Tech Gifts 2017: TCL S405 4K HDR TV

Top 12 Tech Gifts 2017: TCL S405 4K HDR TV

We like tech, it’s what we do. As the holiday shopping season kicks into overdrive, we are bringing you 12 of the most requested, most wanted tech gifts for 2017. Check back each business day between now and December 19th for another must-have tech item and why you should check it out. If you’re anything […]

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Top 12 Tech Gifts for 2017: Samsung Galaxy S8

Top 12 Tech Gifts for 2017: Samsung Galaxy S8

We like tech, it’s what we do. As the holiday shopping season kicks into overdrive, we are bringing you 12 of the most requested, most wanted tech gifts for 2017. Check back each business day between now and December 19th for another must-have tech item and why you should check it out. If the new […]

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Top 12 Tech Gifts 2017: SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C

Top 12 Tech Gifts 2017: SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive USB Type-C

We like tech, it’s what we do. As the holiday shopping season kicks into overdrive, we are bringing you 12 of the most requested, most wanted tech gifts for 2017. Check back each business day between now and December 19th for another must-have tech item and why you should check it out. This USB drive […]

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When’s the Last Time You Tested your Business Back-Ups?

When’s the Last Time You Tested your Business Back-Ups?

Exploring business continuity best practices for testing data and application back-ups Data protection is a central element of the data management strategy for all modern business owners. A proactive and well-thought-out business continuity plan is something that all system and data administrators must embrace. A layered and proactive data protection strategy really can mean the difference between […]

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