Advanced Threat Protection Services

Raise a Protective Barrier Around Your Business with Advanced Threat Protection Solutions

Safeguard Your Business with Advanced Threat Protection Solutions

The best way to protect your business is to ensure that threats are stopped before they reach your digital borders. See how advanced threat protection solutions are raising the bar in terms of security.  

Your business is under attack every day — from malware, hackers and even from internal staff negligence. These attacks are targeting your most sensitive data, and you need a cohesive approach to security or you risk the increased liability and excessive costs that are associated with cyberattacks. There are three primary directives for successfully advanced threat protection (ATP) services and solutions: quick detection, immediate protection and rapid response. The professionals at ECW Network & IT Services will work with your internal IT team to ensure that all three pillars of protection are activated and ready to respond to threats at a moment’s notice.

Advanced Threat Protection Services

Detect Potential Threats Before They Breach Your Defenses

Mitigating threats before they can occur is the underpinning of a successful advanced threat protection solution. With a robust email security solution, your staff has an additional layer of protection against emerging email threats as cybercriminals attempt to use identity deception and other nefarious means to impersonate key executives or otherwise infiltrate your business. With advanced threat protection from ECW, potential account takeover attacks are quickly mitigated and stopped before they can become a danger to your business.

Provide Swift Action to Immediately Neutralize Threats

In today’s world of rapidly-evolving threats, it’s inevitable that your organization will experience some type of attack. Whether this is a malware attack or a malicious email that sneaks past even your most stringent defenses, fast identification allows you to block these attacks even when they are in progress. With enterprise-grade solutions that boast the highest efficiency rates, ATP identification programs are constantly watching for inconsistencies across your network that might indicate an external incursion or loss of system control. Identifying and ultimately halting this type of attack requires advanced AI and machine learning principles that are continually scanning your systems and real-time data pipelines to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Proactive Incident Response Minimizes Business Impact

Getting your corporation back up and running quickly after an attack is crucial, but doing it safely can be a challenge. You need to know everything possible about the attack vector and ensure that it has been neutralized — and patched against future incursions or similar attacks. Lost IT productivity costs organizations thousands of dollars each year, which is why ATP is such a valuable component of your overall cybersecurity strategy. Having a proactive incident response plan in place allows your team and partners to systematically restore operations or identify lost or breached data so remediation and responses can begin immediately.

Ensuring that your business is safe from harm requires real-time visibility and continuous monitoring, or you risk damage occurring to your systems before you even realize that there’s been an incursion. This scenario can be incredibly costly to your corporation, both in terms of lost productivity as well as the loss of consumer confidence. Organizations that take advantage of ATP solutions are able to reduce the probability of an attack, minimize the damage to the enterprise and protect sensitive business and customer data. Contact the professionals at ECW Network & IT Solutions at {phone} and you will quickly see why we are the choice for South Florida companies of all sizes. You can always schedule a confidential and completely no-obligation review online by filling out our quick form.