Microsoft To Start Upgrading Computers Automatically

What it Means for Businesses That Older Versions of Windows 10 Will Automatically Upgrade

If you’ve been holding off updating an older version of Microsoft 10, you may soon be forced to update. Microsoft recently announced plans to upgrade computers that are still running older versions of Windows 10 to the May 2020 release of the operating system, which is known as Windows 10 version 2004. By doing this, the company hopes to ensure that as many devices as possible are secure even as it phases out security updates for the older version of Windows 10. While Microsoft has yet to announce which versions of Windows 10 will be automatically updated — the company will use machine learning to intelligently select which computers will update — we know that security updates for Windows 10 version 1809 will end in November.

Microsoft Upgrading Computers Automatically

Microsoft’s New Update Plan Can Reduce Upgrading Frustrations — Hopefully

In addition to the announcement that computers running older versions of Windows 10 will be automatically upgraded, Microsoft announced that it is moving two a twice-yearly update schedule for Windows: a major update early in the year followed by a minor update later. Ostensibly, the minor update will contain bug-fixes and other resolutions for problems that may be caused by the major update. However, that wait may be long for customers who may not be able to use their hardware or software as expected.

In the past, updates have caused issues with partitions, displays, printers, and data, which may be why some of our customers are reluctant to update.

One particular problem that users have reported occurs on machines with Intel’s Optane memory. After updating, Windows 10 version 2004 disables Optane pinning yet still tries to run it, leading to performance issues and errors. Frustrated users are still waiting for Microsoft to acknowledge the glitch, let alone offer a resolution. A secondary update isn’t useful if it leaves many problems unaddressed.

Microsoft is trying, however. The company spent the last few months developing this smart update method to minimize any problems by detecting known issues on a specific computer and preventing the update. They have already solved issues with Thunderbolt docking, unexpected restarts for devices set to ” Always On, Always Connected,” DISM command, and Outlook crashing. The phased rollout process means that Microsoft can focus on resolving any bugs caused by the update before updating another batch of computers. However, because we cannot determine which machines will update for sure, it’s smart for users to assume their system will update and take appropriate precautions.

Prepare for the Windows 10 Upgrade

Perhaps the most essential precaution is to back up your data. Fortunately, with so many people working in the cloud, much of their data is already backed up. We can also help customers who haven’t yet migrated to the cloud do so securely. Some customers create redundant backups to ensure they won’t lose data (and time and money by extension) even if the Windows 10 update causes issues, and you may want on-site backups in addition to cloud backups.

To avoid display and printer bugs, locate the drivers for this hardware so that you can install it immediately after Windows updates. Rolling back the driver is another option if you experience hardware issues after a Windows update. While you may not have any of these issues, it’s always better to prepare for the worst.

Both device maintenance and cloud storage solutions are among the IT services ECW Computers provide, so we’re happy to work with any clients who anticipate a Windows update or need Windows support. Our 24/7 system monitoring can also identify any issues caused by the Windows 10 version 2004 update. However, Microsoft seems to have listened to the criticism about its initial bumpy rollout of Windows 10 version 2004 and has worked diligently to resolve issues.

Windows 10 Version 2004 Brings New Features for Business Users

It’s not all gloom and doom, however. Assuming updating to Windows 10 version 2004 works, you’ll have access to some of the newest features of the operating system that we think our clients will find useful. For example, IT manages, and MSPs can easily select which version of Windows they want to update company systems to via Intune console updates in version 2004. Windows’ assistant, Cortana, now has a chat-based UI that responds to natural queries rather than just searches or voice commands. Enterprise users can also take advantage of the new display configuration options, including the ability to reserve individual displays for specific purposes.

There are also updates to Windows Sandbox, which allows you to safely install software without impacting your operating system, and Windows Virtual Desktop.

Of course, none of this matters if the upgrade doesn’t happen seamlessly on your computer. Whether you need assistance preparing for this Windows 10 update, or need Microsoft support after an update gone wrong, ECW Computers is happy to help.

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