Pompano Beach Business Calls ECW To Replace Servers For Microsoft Azure

Pompano Beach Company Enlists ECW To Replace Legacy Servers With Microsoft Azure

Let me guess – you’re reading this article, so you’re probably looking for help with your outdated servers. I don’t blame you.

Maintaining and updating servers is a difficult task, especially for medium and small businesses. It requires constant maintenance and monitoring, and even then, it quickly becomes outdated. That’s why you may be considering upgrading to Microsoft Azure — but even then, can you handle the migration by yourself?

We have been a client of ECW for the past four years.  As with many relationships, this one has developed and improved over time. We know we can rely on the team at ECW to handle our service tickets quickly and accurately the first time. More complicated issues are elevated to staff who consistently win my trust over and over again. Most recently, during the COVID 19 outbreak, we had to quickly move the majority of our staff offsite to work remotely. This involved procuring laptops, setting workstations up offsite, and training these same staffers how to use these devices safely from their homes.  ECW wins five stars for their commitment to getting this done for our Company as quickly and efficiently as possible and for continuing to respond rapidly to ongoing service requests even after moving their own staff offsite to work remotely. I genuinely feel they are an integral part of our Company’s success.

Suzanne Panico | CFO
Mack Mack & Waltz Insurance Group

Managing proper support and upgrading hardware is costly and complicated, so why not outsource the entire process, like a new client of ours did just last week? The small business owner sent us a message on our 24/7 chat:

“We are a small organization but we have a domain and some legacy apps. My server is out of support so I am looking for some help with setting up a new server maybe using some of the Microsoft Azure cloud.”

And after just a few minutes of chatting later, our representative Cinda had arranged a follow up:

“I now have everything I need to give to one of our Client Service Representatives. They will contact you within 24 hours at the most (1 business day), or sooner. Please don’t hesitate to visit our site and contact us again if you have any additional questions! I hope we can work together!”

Pompano Beach Client Calls ECW To Replace Servers For Microsoft Azure

What Does This Pompano Beach Small Business Get By Switching To Microsoft Azure?

  • Outsourced Server Management: Stay focused on the parts of your business that really need your attention. You don’t have to babysit your servers any longer – take the resources previously devoted to service maintenance and apply them where they can have the greatest effect.
  • Fully Managed Services: Being free of onsite servers is just the beginning of the benefits offered by Azure. The serverless computing solutions offered by Azure equip you with the capability to take advantage of programming models that are offered nowhere else, helping to simplify event-driven computing.
  • Data Security: Microsoft Azure data is stored in data centers that offer an industry-leading combination of physical and logical safeguards, from high perimeter fencing and 24/7 surveillance to multi-factor biometric locks.

All of these advantages are available to you too — but only if you get in touch with us.

ECW Computers Will Take Care Of Your Servers For You

Don’t let server management and upgrades be that one task you hate, but still put up with — you don’t have to. Our team is available to switch you to Microsoft Azure, and take server management off your plate for good.

Click here to get started or call us at (561) 306-2284 to schedule a consultation.

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