Secure Your Data with Disc Encryption

Data security is in the forefront of everyone’s mind. There doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by where some data security breach isn’t mentioned. You think about the information you have stored on your computer and wonder how you can keep it safe. You’ve been told to use hard to crack passwords, to be careful when on open Wi-Fi (or to avoid that altogether) and to secure your mobile devices so that they do not become lost or stolen. You wonder if this is enough or if there is more you can do. Another option that you have available is to use disc encryption.

disk encryption

Encryption has been used throughout history in many forms, from a simple cypher to a more complicated process. Through the years, the forms of encryption have become more sophisticated. When thinking of keeping your data secure, using encryption should be an option. Using disc encryption can secure the information on desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. It does this by making the data on your device unreadable. This means that even if your device were to be breached or fall into the wrong hands, the information on it will be inaccessible.

Full disc encryption will cover the whole hard drive, which includes all of the applications and data on the system. When the system boots up, you will be prompted to enter your authentication code. Once entered correctly, your system will continue to load, and your computer and data will be accessible. If the authentication code is entered incorrectly, then the computer would remain unreadable.

This type of encryption can give you piece of mind when you use your system. You can know that your data is secure from unauthorized access should your mobile device be lost or stolen. It is important that you keep the authorization code private, though. A code that is not secured is worthless. Additionally, the encryption works when your computer is turned off. If your laptop is left somewhere and it is running, then the encryption of the drive does not protect the data.

Protecting your data is your primary concern. You have sensitive information about your business and your clients on your network. Using disc encryption is a way to secure your data from unauthorized access.

Want to know more about your options? Call or email us at to discuss ways to increase the security of your system. is here to handle all of your information technology needs.

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