Your Law Firm Must Adopt Up-To-Date IT Practices To Stay Ahead Of The Competition.

Law Firm IT ServicesMost law firms today have three primary concerns when implementing new information technology—To:

  1. Help them analyze diverse and extensive amounts of data.
  2. Increase efficiencies and cost savings.
  3. Secure their clients’ confidential information.

However, even with the extensive adoption of IT by other industries, most modern legal practices are falling behind.

Don’t let this happen to you.  In order to keep up with the increasing use of IT, and to compete in today’s legal environment, you need a Legal IT Expert like .  We’ll help you implement, custom-designed technology solutions for your law firm.  To learn more, call us at or email us at .

 Will Help Your Law Firm Benefit From:

  • Cloud Technologies

Cloud Solutions from have the potential to improve a your firm’s productivity, efficiencies and security. With our cloud solutions, you can eliminate the cost of paper, the hassle of sifting through files, store massive amounts of information, share important files in real time, and secure your clients’ data offsite in our high-security data centers.

  • Financial Management Software

In the past, law firms used paper to keep track of their finances. Today, there are many software packages available for you to track every transaction, design short and long-term financial plans, and budget your expenses effectively.   supports, and can train your employees on Financial Management Software for law firms.

  • Case Management Software

Case management software brings your firm’s desktop calendar, contacts, filing system, and task management solutions together in one package. This helps you and your employees better organize, manage deadlines, store client information, and coordinate communications. In addition, case management software provides you the proactive advice you need to effectively manage your practice, and feedback on how you’re progressing.  supports your Case Management Software needs.

  • Data and Email Encryption

You have legal and ethical duties to protect the sensitive information relating to your clients and cases. In order to address these duties, you must encrypt both your emails and data to ensure security of sensitive information.  provides the Secure Email/Message Encryption you need to protect your email data, both when in transit and in storage. Our encryption protects data at rest, such as on laptops or portable servers, as well as data in motion, such as over wireless networks or the Internet.

  • Data Backup and Disaster Avoidance

While your computers can easily be replaced, the intellectual property and sensitive data stored on them cannot. Computer hard drives and tape backups can fail, laptops can be stolen or lost, and data can be erased due to employees’ negligence, or by computer viruses.  provides the data-backup and disaster-avoidance solutions to keep data secure and always accessible to you and your staff.

Plus  can do much more to ensure your law business stays up to date with technology.  This way you can more effectively compete in today’s technology-driven legal environment.  To learn more, or for a complimentary IT Assessment, call the Legal IT Experts at or email us at:

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