Secure Remote Access in Your Organization

Secure Remote AccessThere are many software desktop tools, support professionals, and providers that offer remote access and management to computers, laptops, and pretty much every device imaginable.

Now that cloud storage has made access to information more convenient across an organization, the risk of data security has increased as cloud servers are susceptible to attacks. There are many software desktop tools, support professionals, and providers that offer remote access and management to computers, laptops, and pretty much every device imaginable. While these services offer security and functionality, it is important to assess which ones will deliver service and which ones will put your organization at risk.

Below are security considerations for your Fort Lauderdale company to ensure remote access across your organization.


Most organizations use the Windows Security Model for a strong foundation of Windows Authentication. This defines your security and designs policies associated to your pre-existing Users and Groups within your Active Directory domain. This will then prompt users for credentials.

Based on the number of authorized users, you can support Windows Single Sign-on in accordance to Windows Security. Those users already logged in as themselves in Windows will automatically be logged into your remote desktop software. Typically, the software will support the authentication via the existing Windows account. The same policies apply to lock-out policies when enabled. If a user leaves the company, simply disabling the account in A.D. will inhibit him from accessing remotely.


It is vital to have an authorization model included in your remote access software. With this, you can overtly grant access to remote machines to particular users. You should be able to manually specify which types of desktops they can access and connect to, and the functions available to the user.

For example, you can specify junior employees to have limited function access, like inability to transfer files, alter admin settings, or initiate screen recordings.

 Permission To Connect

For each organization are different sets of policies regarding end-user permission. Enabling permission to connect adds a layer of security and can be configured easily with your remote desktop software solution.

  • No permission required- connections are automatically made without end-user interference
  • Permission must be granted- connection will only be made after an end-user explicitly allows connection. The connection, however, will be rejected if the user does not approve it within a timeframe.
  • Permission requested from end-user, but access granted if no response- this user asks permission from the end user but will allow access when there is no response from the end user. If no response comes up, you may want to lock the station and require the user to log in first before using the machine again.


Encryption provides additional security for your data, ever they are intercepted in motion. Encryption and decryption are key elements for PCI DSS and HIPAA compliance specifications.

Make sure that all connections made with your remote control software uses AES encryption with the SHA1.

SSL Protocol

This allows communication between client-server applications without the risk of unwanted listeners trying to fish for information. Even if all connections are encrypted with UDP and TCP, SSL over TCP adds the value of the SSL certificate that guarantees it is connected to the right server.

IP Address Restriction

Specifying IP addresses that have remote access increases the mitigation capacity of security policies against malicious attacks. IP restriction follows the models “Allow all except…” or “Deny all except…”

Real-Time Auditing

The last nail in securing your remote access is an insurance that your security works. It is important to record and review attempted connections, and all remote services utilized in those sessions.

Auditing clarifies accountability and it follows requirements for internal and external compliance. For every organization with remote access networks, there must be an audit trail support.

Have questions about security remote access for your Fort Lauderdale business?  Give your network security experts at {company} a call.  You can reach us at {phone} or by email at {email}.  We are here to ensure your business is completely secured and only those with proper authorization have access to your business data and computer network resources.