Outsource Your IT Services During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Why Should You Outsource Your IT Services During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Is your internal IT team struggling in a remote work setting? This could be an opportunity to pivot to outsourced IT services that are designed to deliver support remotely.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught the business world many vital lessons. It’s shown us how crucial remote work capabilities are to business continuity. It’s shown us how valuable and effective a work-from-home model can be when compared against the stress of commuting and the cost of office space.

And it’s shown many businesses the extent of an internal IT team’s capabilities…

Outsource Your IT Services During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Limits Of Internal IT In A Remote Setting

The pandemic has also revealed where internal IT teams may be limited. It’s one thing to support an IT environment when you’re directly interfacing with it – it’s another to try to support dozens of home office environments, all with different hardware, levels of connectivity, and other differing factors.

Has your team been struggling to keep your staff supported? It’s understandable – many businesses’ IT support processes were not developed with a remote model in mind. If your team hasn’t been able to deliver the support required, it’s likely led to some issues:

  • Poor functionality for remote solutions deployed at staff members’ homes
  • Compromised security in your extended network of home offices
  • Less value for the investment you’ve made in your IT support

The good news is that there’s a more cost-effective way to approach IT support in a remote setting…

Outsourced IT Services Are Designed For Remote IT Support

Outsourcing your IT services can get you and your team the IT support you need, likely at a more cost-effective rate. These IT companies are already experienced in delivering remote support solutions where applicable and visiting on-site only when necessary.

Outsourced IT services will allow you to:

  • Reduce IT Costs: Reducing IT costs is one of the most appealing reasons businesses use outsourced IT services. Companies that choose to outsource can convert unplanned IT expenses to fixed, predictable ones. This frees up capital for other aspects of their business. Plus, it saves on employing in-house staff, paying benefits such as sick leave, health insurance, and Social Security. Also, your IT services will be available 24/7, where in-house staff may take off due to personal issues or illness.
  • Develop Confident Security: Security is one of the most critical aspects of technology, especially in a remote setting. While technology evolves and data expands, the number of ways your IT network can be compromised increases. For example, cloud services are widely used today. However, to ensure the security of an offsite server, it must be continuously monitored and assessed. Outsourced IT services can provide robust offer security services, advise you on the credentials of vendors, and conduct ongoing risk assessments to identify network vulnerabilities.
  • Access Modern Technologies: Many businesses find it challenging to keep up with the latest advances in technology, especially as they’ve pivoted to remote work during the pandemic. Outsourcing with IT services provides easy access to the latest technology so you can be more competitive in this technology-driven world. Besides, with IT services, these solutions are less expensive than you if you purchased them yourself. Most IT companies have partnerships with vendors and can provide new technologies at a reduced cost.

With outsourced IT services, you’ll have access to a team of IT experts with a breadth and depth of tech knowledge and experience — something most businesses could never afford to achieve with an in-house IT staff. Even better, you’ll benefit from 24/7 Help Desk Support, to make sure your needs are quickly addressed, and information technology stays up and running at all times.

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