Business Insights With Visio and Power BI
Microsoft’s Visio Visual and Power BI are two extremely useful software tools that help business owners store, organize, and interpret data with easy-to-understand visual representations.
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Using these tools can take your business to the next level. Still, many business owners don’t know about Visio Visual or Power BI. Moreover, many are skeptical as to why data interpretation is important at all.
Why is data interpretation so crucial to your business?
As a business owner, it is vital that you understand the “big picture” of your company’s data. Any given company will have a plethora of diverse data at any given time. This may include:
- Sales records, recorded by the hour, day, week, month, and year
- Sales records by location
- Sales records by department
- Floor plans of stores, warehouses, offices, and more
- Employee information
- Subscriber or client information
- Inventory data
- And more
Storing all of this data and never looking at it will inevitably hurt your business. Doing this almost certainly means missing the “big picture” and subsequent opportunities for growth and improvement.
How can Visio Visual and Power BI help?
Here are the biggest reasons companies don’t examine, analyze, and interpret their data more often (or at all):
1. They have too much of it.
2. It’s difficult to organize and understand.
This is where tools like Visio Visual and Power BI step in. Both tools create easy-to-see and understand visual representations of your data, with the goal of targeting what’s working and what’s not.
What is Microsoft Visio?
From flow charts and 3D graphs to network schemas and floorplans, Microsoft Visio Visual is one of the most capable pieces of software for creating and manipulating diagrams of all kinds.
What is Microsoft Power BI?
Power BI is another indispensable Microsoft tool that allows businesses to analyze their data in a variety of ways and see and share insights via the dashboard. Everything on Power BI is updated in real time and can be accessed from anywhere in the world via the cloud. This software includes a myriad of invaluable features for analyzing, fixing, and understanding data.
What can you learn from your data with Visio Visual and Power BI?
We know that Visio Visual and Power BI allow you to see your data clearly and concisely. This starts with using Visio Visual creating the necessary charts and diagrams that pertain to your industry.
From this data, the goal is to learn what’s going wrong and why, what’s going right and why, and where you need improvement. For example:
- If you own a retail establishment, what’s selling and what’s not?
- If you own a restaurant, what ingredients are you constantly running out of?
- If you own a transportation business, why are your trucks stocked to the brim one month and empty the next?
This is largely Power BI’s job.
Power BI layers the base data organized by Visio Visual with analytic tools that share insights about how your business is doing across numerous benchmarks.
Empowered with the information and data-based insights both Microsoft Visio Visual and Power BI provide, you can make impactful changes in how you run your business. Try these tools today and see what you think for yourself!